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Anterior Hip Replacement
What is Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery? Anterior hip replacement is a surgical technique that aims at removing the damaged hip joint and placing a hip implant or hip prosthesis instead. It is a type of minimally invasive hip arthroplasty or muscle-sparing hip arthroplasty. This surgery follows a minimally invasive approach to replacing the...
Benefits of Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a form of exercise regime that helps people of all age groups suffering medical conditions, illnesses, or injuries that have limited their ability to move and work. Here, it also won’t be wrong to say that physical therapy is one of the best forms of medicine in certain cases including musculoskeletal problems. Besides this,...
What is degenerative disc disease?
Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) - An Overview Degenerative disc disease is a condition that causes spinal pain due to changes in the spinal discs. It is the commonest known cause of back and neck pain. In other words, wear and tear in the spinal disc that causes neck and/or back pain can be...
How to Maintain Healthy Joints
Having healthy joints is not an option but it is a necessity. Thus, everyone must make efforts to maintain healthy joints right from a young age. These efforts will make things easier when you grow old. This post will discuss some key and simple tips that’ll help you maintain strong and healthy joints. Maintaining...
How to Get Back Pain Relief?
Acute back pain relief can occur by adopting simple remedies, and that can also help keep it from developing into a chronic one. Nowadays, back has become a common issue and it affects the young generation the most. For that, we can blame poor lifestyle. There may also be cases where a previous spine injury is a...
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Gastrointestinal Diseases - An Introduction Gastrointestinal diseases affect our gastrointestinal tract which includes the esophagus (food pipe), small & large intestines, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. In simpler words, we could say that Gastrointestinal diseases affect the parts that support in digestion. These diseases are classified into two broader categories,...
Aging is a natural process that cannot we cannot stop but yes, it can be slowed down. While on the other hand, some people start experiencing premature aging and that’s a major concern. Such issues can also be managed with some remedies/tips. We will be discussing some key anti-aging skincare tips in the post.
What is Arthritis?
What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a condition that affects joints. Swelling, pain, and tenderness are common symptoms of the condition. This is an orthopedic condition that can affect one or more joints simultaneously. It can occur at any age and with time, the condition becomes worse.  If we talk about...

A Guide to Sciatica

What is Sciatica?
What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a term given to pain that travels from the lower back to the leg through the buttocks. In other words, sciatica is a condition in which pain travels through the sciatic nerve. This nerve (sciatic) passes from the lower back through the buttocks and hips down to both...
What is DNA Diet
DNA Diet Plans are designed by corporations based on their assessment of how the health of an individual and their disease susceptibility is influenced by up to one hundred different characteristics of their DNA sequence. DNA diets claim to offer recommendations according to what would be ideal for an individual according to his/her DNA makeup rather than...