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What is Deltacron Virus? A new variant of the coronavirus is there. It has been declared by a researcher in Cyprus. The new variant combines the Delta and Omicron variant named Deltacron (SARS-COV-2). This variant proclaimed as ten mutations menacing from that of Omicron. So here we will go through all about Deltacron-...
Objective of Agriculture
Emerging Trends in agriculture stand for new strategies and innovative technologies that become advanced with time. Over the last few decades, agriculture has seen exponential growth with the aid of modern technologies in this sector. The current innovative development in agriculture is a blessing for the farmers as they have found them more comfortable and suitable for...
Healthcare in Metaverse
Introduction to Healthcare in Metaverse To increase the proficiency of medical equipment and widen the reach of medical services, the health industry has begun to utilize components such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) in software and hardware. Healthcare in metaverse can change the layout of the industry...
What is omicron?
What is Omicron? What is Omicron? It has become a big question and we will see what it is here. Omicron is a variant of coronavirus. It is likely to have arisen in southern Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that Omicron is a Variety of Concern (VoC). This decision has already resulted...
Coronavirus Timeline
Primary Stages of Corona Virus While we begin to navigate the year-long constant battle against the pandemic situation, the continuation has given us knowledge. While still in the process of recovery, new strains of the virus have created netizens to question its impact. After all, we need to understand what we are dealing with. ...
What is Nanotechnology
Many questions come with the concept of nanotech. What is nanotechnology? Why are the uses of nanotechnology? Here is how you will get to know it better. This goes back to a small form of what we know as matter. Atoms are what make up our physical world.  The nanoscale is a unit tiny for the naked...
What is Black Fungus?
What is Black Fungus? The mental and physiological effect of the pandemic has become unavoidable. The fear-mongering and consumption of too much news have left the public more stressed. Unfortunately, this also results in an uninformed mass. It is vital to be informed on the subject. What is Black Fungus? Why is it more...
Vaccination and Pandemic The pandemic has taken its toll on us. Experiencing a worldwide phenomenon together with deaths escalating brought about fear, chaos, and thirst for hope. It did not spare anyone child or adult alike. Remote areas and cities too succumbed to this. This resulted in a nationwide lockdown and a decrease...
What is COVID 19?
You must know what is Covid-19 already. "Coronavirus", being a big cause of a huge number of deaths in 2020, needs no further introduction but it still seems like a mystery. As even advanced treatment institutions, research centers or labs, and experts are unable to discover any treatment for this disease. And this is the reason that...
Da Vinci Surgical System
What is Da Vinci Surgical System? The Da Vinci Surgical System is a robotic machine that is designed to perform surgeries with utmost precision and minimum human help. This post will give you a detailed insight into what is Da Vinci Surgical System. When there is a need for surgery,...