Chronological Impact of Covid-19 and New Variants

Coronavirus Timeline

Primary Stages of Corona Virus

While we begin to navigate the year-long constant battle against the pandemic situation, the continuation has given us knowledge. While still in the process of recovery, new strains of the virus have created netizens to question its impact. After all, we need to understand what we are dealing with.  The virus is ever evolving leading to different variants of coronavirus.

Impact of The Corona Virus Pandemic All Over the World

Enormous targets are made by the nation to amplify the severity. When it came down to the citizens, Corona Care Centers are made as an initiative to tackle the pandemic. Medical workers and Government initiatives began overtly.

  • The phenomenon globally has created more affiliations when resources were imperative. Immediate requirements of hospital beds, Oxygen equipment, and medications rendered the global relation. Putting the ideology of humanity as a focal point, ties commenced.
  • From global relations come internal affairs. Larger countries undoubtedly dealt with more mayhem. Smaller developed countries had more advantage of maintaining the chaos. The number of demands and needs in relation to the rising cases caused disorganization.
  • Each country had to overwork their medical workers, in providing essential health provisions. A large working country with rural and urban capacity has basic norms initiated, including separate ones. A medical team is not enough for rural, as much as it is for urban. There is limited access to equipment mandated for Pandemic.
  • Cases flocked results in referring patients from rural to close semi-urban spaces for treatment. A well-developed country had similar different issues.

Restriction mandated on the citizens was an issue. There was also a slightly incoherent approach from the corporate workplaces in some. The mandated travel for the work, yet the restriction to commodities also created unrest. The different variants of coronavirus also created a further hindrance to the existing preventive measures.

COVID Variants

World Health Organization (WHO) Role in the Pandemic    

WHO’s role has increased in the rapidly growing global pandemic. Monitoring the impact, the growth, the severity, and the diagnostic measures for creating continuous assessment are carried. There are collaborations for these measures globally. There are expert networks and authorities on the national level involved. Institutions and researchers are in constant works conducting the assessment. 

There has been a requirement to take preventive measures for reducing the Covid-19 cases. With the commencement of the early stages of the virus, worldwide active participation becomes inevitable. The early monitoring for the evolution of the virus started in January 2020.

The Variant of Concern (VOC) is a variant of SARS-CoV-2 which can be described as an anomaly. Some pre-requisites consider it a VoC. Factors like a rise in the transmissible capacity and a difference in the clinical presentation are considered. The declining factor of mandated preventive measures is also considered, including the diagnostics and vaccines.   

The initiatives taken by the WHO in coping and strategizing against the virus have been continuous. In the wake of the new variant, the amplified measures are still being followed fruitfully.

  • Member States and WHO Roles

Steps are taken by the WHO for the increasing rates of Covid-19 cases. Different variants of coronavirus are also taken into account.

  1. The Technical Advisory Group and the WHO have relatively assessed different attributes of the virus variants. Checking with the risks on the general citizens, the evaluation is carried out.
  2. In extreme cases, the WHO can collaborate and take measures along with the Member States. This is done to further the investigations.
  3. Now, the outcome of the work is not hidden from the public eye. The Member States also gets to know the discovery.
  4. The procedure followed is always monitored for improvement and changes when mandated.  

There are methods followed when a supposed Variant is detected. The Member State’s role is defined in this situation.

  1. Public knowledge is provided. The collected data and genome sequences are then made accessible.
  2. The cases in relation to VOC are simultaneously made known to the WHO.
  3. The features and methods involve include antibody neutralization, immune response, diagnostic steps, and public health and social initiatives. When it comes to functionality, collaboration exists with the international body. There are field inspections conducted and evaluation of laboratory, which provides insight for possible VOC cases.  

WHO in Labelling the Variants

The cases for potential VOI can keep changing. Hence, there can reclassification did to predecessors which is no longer a threat on a global scale. The process is refined thoroughly by the trained designated experts. They are responsible for the calculation and arrangements.

The involved participant is the Technical Advisory Group on Virus Evolution. This is determined by multiple criteria. This assessment includes factors like co-relating the different geographical events and duration for the samples. Checking the availability or an absence of any risk component and its influence on the followed measures are included.

There are further measures implicated for observing the cases. An indication of potential threat with the unclear outcome of the epidemiological factors is closely monitored for further changes.

The former declared VOI that is being monitored is on the continuation. Until further anomalies are observed there are no changes recorded for them.

Initial Variant Observations and Findings

New information is always a lot to take in, especially when a worldwide pandemic is a piece of current news. The different variants of coronavirusraise questions. When strains of the new variant hit the news, many outlets were covering the latest bit. This new variant ignited fear and worry. With prolonged time there have been rising cases of more variants.

Many questions align with the new cases from the variant. Questions about the measures, the precautions, the severity, and the treatment are a valid curiosity. The variant in itself is a tempting question. The virus can undergo a mutation. This genetic transformation results in a new variant of the virus. 

  • What are the precautions that can be taken for the new variant of Corona Virus?

When it comes to the initial variant mentioned, there were related doubts. The epitome of spreading is very much the same. Community spread is to be looked out for. When it comes to precautions, effective protocols of mask and social distancing are approved and they are a must and to be followed at all times to ensure safety. Sanitising and washing hands, inclusive of all basic hygiene mandated prior are all to be followed.   

  • How severe is the new variant of Covid-19?

When citizens hear about any new variants, it is immediately correlated to the impact. Now, this is important because awareness results in better care. However, fear-mongering among people is created simultaneously. Understanding the variants is not directly related to your safety.

Now, there is a threat and risk from the new variants. Protocols are being followed and monitored by the relevant authorities. What the citizens can do is continue to be cautious and maintain social distancing to avoid the chances. The state governments have indicated an urgency for lockdown in some states, and liberty in some.

There were alerts when detecting the early variants of epsilon, zeta, and theta. There will also be reclassification if the potential risk factor changes.

  • Are there different ways of treating a Covid-19 new variant case?

In terms of dependency on the vaccine, there are concerns with its nature.  The effectiveness is at 49% on the first dose for the Alpha variant. The Delta variant had 35% effectiveness. Now, on the second dose of vaccination, the Alpha variant had 89% effectiveness. Simultaneously, the Delta variant had 79% effectiveness after the second dose.

A research result by Public Health England recorded that the 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine were less fruitful for the Delta variant. This is done in comparison to a 2 dose Pfizer-BioNtech vaccination. Here, the overall effectiveness is concluded at 33% on 1 dose of Pfizer-BioNtech. Similarly, the AstraZeneca effectiveness was at 33% on 1 dose. And the overall 2 dose effectiveness was 88% for Pfizer-BioNtech and 60% for AstraZeneca. 

There is a different result for the immunity characteristic. The maximum immunity result is achieved with the AstraZeneca 2 dose in comparison to the Pfizer-BioNtech. The result stemmed from the findings of the Francis Crick Institute. This provided the importance of immunity boosters and the requirement of the second dose vaccination.  

What are the Latest Variants of Covid-19?

Different well variants of coronavirus have hit many nations by storm. There are no short of variants that pique interest globally. Countries like India, Vietnam, and U.K witnessed the new variants. India has reported a case of K417N mutation. This delta plus is a potential risk in reinfection.

The Variant of Interest (VOI) here is a characteristic that has an impact on the SARS-CoV-2. There can be a genetic difference that affects the virus, where the severity and diagnostic escape are compromised.    

Another factor is the virus spreading in a cluster. The immediate rise in the community causing epidemiological effects has to be monitored for potential risk. The VOI characteristics can be observed in the worldwide situation and local community.

The Variants of Interest deputed by WHO are the Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda Classified According to The Phases of Covid-19

  1. The Alpha Variant was observed in September 2020 in England. This strain was also dominant in the United States. Much like the U.K. and U.S, there are 173 reported countries with the Alpha variant. This strain was a risk factor mostly for women. As per the analysis, the infection proved to be more fatal towards female patients. There were no similar characteristics found in male patients.
  2. The Beta variant was detected in August 2020 in South Africa. The variant also resulted in spiking cases in the country. 122 other countries also detected the Beta variant cases.
  3. The Gamma variant is detected in almost 74 countries worldwide. This was initially reported in Manaus, Amazon city in December 2020. The variant took a toll on Brazil’s Health care. There were also reports of limited oxygen supplies. 
  4. The Delta Variant also known as B.1.617.2, is a rapidly growing variant. Delta variant has 55% more chances of transmission than the Alpha variant. This also has double the impact of the original virus strain. 104 countries are affected by the Delta variant.

As per Yale medicine, the unvaccinated group is more at risk. There is also a reported symptom of hearing impairment, by doctors in India. In comparison to the alpha variant, Scotland had results of 1.8 times more rate of hospitalisation. There is also a potential risk for recovered patients, because of the characteristic to evade antibody-related treatment.

Much like the protocols followed when VOI is discovered, similar precautions are followed for new VOI

  1. The measures are followed by the Member State. They will be required to notify the WHO. There are suitable steps endowed for the situation. There are offices on the regional level, and the details of the individual, and clinical data can be distributed there.
  2. Much like the cases of VOI, a potential new VOI detection can be provided to the public platform. This provides accessibility. GISAID, a platform for public data on virus cases is available.
  3. The impact on public health is always a priority measure. If the potential new VOI is detected, there are inquiries and inspections conducted. The changes in epidemiology and severity are considered. The workings of the public health and other areas created are evaluated.
  4. There are investigations created for laboratory measures. The Member State can reach out to the WHO for assistance and support in these assessments.

The WHO has direct measures taken for any new VOI case in the subject

  1. There will be assessment evaluation subjecting to the different attributes of the VOI.
  2. At a larger context and requirement, the Member State and other collaborators are involved with the WHO.
  3. There is the monitoring of the global cases and reviewing the VOI transmissions and data. 

Vaccination is an Effort

Different variants of coronavirus have subjected in questioning the vaccination process. In terms of vaccination as a first initiative, drives are being carried out worldwide. There was potential fear of the blood clot cases reported with the AstraZeneca vaccination. This caused the dependence on other available vaccination. Results are being reviewed for the potential effectiveness of vaccinating two different vaccines. It seemed that with the approval of WHO, on the way, two different vaccines for the doses can be effective and can to an extent try and reduce the symptoms of Covid-19. This is in comparison to two doses from the same vaccination. 

Cautions as a Citizen

Protocols are there for a reason. There is basic information provided even while making phone calls. There are ways to get about and extract information. Similarly, treatment for a positive case seems tedious and nerve wrecking but required information is available. Much like the beginning of the pandemic, the protocols are being followed immensely in the cases of the new variants. Individuals can educate and maintain the said decorum for a safe environment.Despite the different variants of coronavirus safety protocols can be prioritized.


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